Get your own pension review by using the online form below You can choose to get a review on an existing pension and/or enquire about setting up a new plan. Review My Pension Irish pension managed funds continued their good work of late by delivering further positive returns as of end 2023. But which fund… Read More
Irish managed Equities-focused Investment / Pension Funds Performance
When looking for a ‘Steady Eddie’ approach to long term savings or investing for retirement, most folks chose a mixed asset fund* which contains a mix of equities (i.e. stocks or shares) and bonds (i.e. government/corporate) and traditionally this conservative strategy often followed the 60:40 rule* in terms of allocation to stocks and bonds respectively…. Read More
Why do Irish managed property pension funds suck?
The Irish people (it is said) are obsessed with property – perhaps as a post-colonial, post-famine signifier of wealth and status. However those who stuck their hard-earned Trevelyan corn into managed and diversified property funds run by Irish LifeCo’s over the last decade and more – may not have exactly lost their knickers – but… Read More
Investing in tech-focused Irish Pension Funds – Performance Analysis
Should you pivot your Irish oriented investment pot – (e.g. maybe even a bit) – into getting at least some exposure to the new wave of AI / Bitcoin innovation? Most people choose a generic mixed asset fund with a mid-range ESMA rating (which is often prudent – especially for a pension) Many however do… Read More
Is ‘Ethical Investing’ the new profitable? Here’s why Aviva’s ESG powered funds are now on the rise
Up until recently if you as a client had asked for an ‘ethical’ investment fund, we might have been advising that you were leaving some money behind you in order to ‘salve your conscience’. However the data now tells a different story and Peter Smith, Investment Director of Aviva Investors, is championing their environmental, social… Read More